Say Hello to Flawless Skin with Freckles Removal Treatment

Say Hello to Flawless Skin with Freckles Removal Treatment*Results may vary person to person.
By Medlinks

Everyone dreams to have a naturally spotless skin. However, many people face a number of skin problems which takes their desire of getting a perfectly flawless skin away. Freckles is one such skin condition which affects both men and women equally and can ruin the facial appearance of the affected people.

In medical terms, freckles are little, tanned circular brown patches or spots that appear on the skin. They can be caused either due to excessive exposure to the sun or genetic tendency. While most people use cosmetic to hide their freckles, there are few effective freckles treatments available which can help you to get a flawless skin:

TRIBEAM-PREMIUM Q-Switch Laser Therapy

TRIBEAM-PREMIUM Q-Switch Laser Therapy is one of the best laser treatments for freckles. In this procedure, the laser energy selectively targets melanin and removes unwanted freckles. The laser treatment is generally safe with very little risk of scarring, discoloration, or any other side-effects.

 Dermamelan Treatment

The dermamelan treatment is highly effective for all types of hyperpigmentation such as freckles, brown spots, etc. It reduces the discolored patches of melanin on the face, and is a lightning and brightening procedure which is safe to use on all skin types.

 Cosmelan Treatment

The cosmelan treatment is designed to rejuvenate your skin by reducing the areas of discoloration and hyperpigmentation. This treatment involves a versatile approach which can be easily customized to meet the needs of each patient.


Cryosurgery is an effective solution which can treat most of the simple types of freckles. In this procedure, a liquid nitrogen freeze is used to destroy the abnormal skin cells. The process is safe, rarely causes scarring, and requires very little recovery period. Also, cryosurgery does not require anesthesia.

Chemical Peel

In some cases, a chemical solution is used to peel off the damaged areas of the skin. In order to get rid of freckles, a moderate skin or chemical peel containing trichloroacetic acid or glycolic acid is used to penetrate the middle layers of the skin. As a result, the damaged skin gets removed, encouraging the growth of new skin.


While applying sunscreen won’t help you to get rid of the existing freckles on your skin, it will help prevent new ones. Medical experts suggest that you should wear sunscreen all year-round, even during cloudy weather. However, you should use a sunscreen with an SPF 30 or higher and apply it at least 15 minutes before going outdoors.

Your journey to a beautiful flawless skin can be easily completed with the right guidance. Besides, you can always undergo the best treatment for freckles in order to fulfil your dream of having a beautiful, spotless skin.

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