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Collagen Stimulation Therapy, also known in short as CST, is a method of skin treatment that addresses the issues of aging skin, visible age spots, scars, and loose skin. It can tighten the skin and make it look younger. Collagen production in your skin is stimulated during the procedure that yields many benefits.
The CST has been scientifically proved to work on various skin problems. Moreover, you can see the results in a very short period of time after the treatment. Major advantages of using this method include:
CST is performed with great care and higher success rate at MedLinks. We make sure that the process remains painless and does not produce any discomfort for the person during or post-treatment. In this process, first, the microscopic channels are created in the lower level of the skin. It leads to the skin feeling something like a microscopic trauma and the repair cells respond to it. In the way to repair the skin, collagen production is stimulated. Thus, a new layer of skin is formed with no signs of problems.
For this, dermaroller or dermapen can be used. Also, CO2 laser therapy is an effective way of collagen stimulation and works very well for acne scars & facial rejuvenation.
You can expect the best result from this process. We take all necessary measures to make the CST produce quick and stable results while securing your comfort. Our experts let you know thoroughly about the process during the consultancy session. You can book a quick appointment with MedLinks for a fruitful CST session.