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Dandruff is something that we all know. To define in the medical terms, dandruff is a scalp condition that is marked by the flakes of skin on the scalp. Dandruff is not a serious condition and can be controlled easily. However, it might be embarrassing for some people.

What causes dandruff?

There are many causes of dandruff. Below you can find a list of the most common causes of dandruff:

  • Dry skin: To many experts, this is the most common cause of dandruff. The dandruff flakes from dry skin are smaller in size.
  • Missing shampoo: Not doing shampoo at frequent intervals can let dandruff gather on your scalp.
  • Some skin conditions: Some conditions of the skin such as eczema or psoriasis, dry, dead skin cells that form thick scales are also the causes of dandruff in your hair.
  • Contact dermatitis: Sensitivity to hair products is also a possible cause of dandruff.

Signs of dandruff:

The simplest symptom or the sign of dandruff is dotted flakes in your hair and on your shoulders. It may be oily looking and itchy dead skin cells. Once you notice these flakes, know that you have dandruff in your hair.

Dandruff: who are at the risk?

Dandruff can affect anyone. Usually, it affects teenagers and adults. According to a research, half of the adults have the dandruff problem. From the facts above, you can determine the people who are at the risk of dandruff:

  • No shampoo: The people who do not shampoo often, are at the risk of dandruff.
  • Dry scalps: Those who have dry scalps are also at the risk of dandruff.
  • Other skin disorders: People who are suffering from other skin disorders like eczema, have the risk of getting dandruff.
  • Male hormones: Some experts believe that because of certain male hormones, men are more at the risk of dandruff than women.

Prevention of dandruff:

By following some steps, you can always prevent dandruff if it is mild. Stubborn dandruff needs expert advice and treatment. The following should be considered to prevent dandruff from appearing:

Hair care: Use shampoo at frequent intervals. Shampooing your hair keeps them nourished and moisturized. It does not allow dandruff to appear. It is the only proven prevention that you can think about.

Treatment of dandruff at MedLinks:

About the treatment of dandruff, the best available option is over-the-counter anti-dandruff shampoos. Our experts at MedLinks will suggest you the effective and especially medicated shampoos that will show proven results in a short time-period. Sometimes, when medicated shampoos are not enough, some creams might also be suggested.

Why you should choose MedLinks:

In hair and skin treatment, MedLinks has made a noticeable reputation. We have successfully treated many people with the dandruff problem. Our experts have adequate experience and expertise to deal the dandruff conditions caused by various reasons.

You can book a quick appointment easily with MedLinks through the online form or our phone numbers.

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