
A common skin problem, Rosacea, often begins with the inclination towards blushing or flushing quicker than other people. People suffering from rosacea have red bumps on their faces. This redness gradually spreads and reaches beyond the face to the chin, forehead, eyes, and ears. In extreme cases, it can also reach the back of a person.

Rosacea is often misunderstood for some other skin problems. For example, people mistake rosacea for pimple, acne, or some skin infection. However, rosacea, if not treated at an early stage, can worsen. It can also affect the eyes and cause vision problems or pain. You should look for medical assistance if such problem appears.

Rosacea has four subtypes:

  • Erythematotelangiectatic rosacea: Redness, flushing, visible blood vessels.
  • Papulopustular rosacea: Redness, swelling, and acne-like breakouts.
  • Phymatous rosacea: Skin thickens and has a bumpy texture.
  • Ocular rosacea: Eyes red and irritated, eyelids can be swollen, and a person may have what looks like a sty.

Causes of Rosacea

Though the reasons that cause rosacea are not yet established like reasons behind diabetes and cancer, yet, medical scientists have come up with some clues. Below are the possible causes of rosacea:

  • Genes: Many people suffering from rosacea have family members with the same problem. Therefore, there is a possibility that people inherit the genes causing rosacea!
  • Immune system: People with acne-like rosacea react to a bacterium named bacillus oleronius. This reaction becomes the reason behind their immune system overacting. A section of medical experts believe that this overacting of immune system might cause rosacea.
  • Environment and lifestyle: Other than the reasons mentioned above, your lifestyle and surrounding environment can also trigger rosacea. Exposure to direct sunlight, extreme low or high temperatures, hot baths, spicy food, or alcohol are all possible causes of rosacea.

Who is at risk of rosacea?

Rosacea can affect anyone. However, few factors make some people at an increased risk of rosacea.

  • Age: People in the age group of 30-50 are more prone to rosacea.
  • Skin colour: People with fair skin can easily get rosacea as compared to people with dark skin.
  • Acne history: People who have a history of acne breakouts are more likely to develop rosacea.
  • Family: Having a family history of rosacea increases a person’s chances of getting affected by rosacea.
  • Women: Rosacea often develops in women more than men. Being a woman puts you at a greater risk of getting affected by rosacea!

The above-mentioned conditions are based on studies. However, rosacea can affect anyone, of any age group, having any skin complexion! It can even affect children as.

Symptoms of rosacea

  • Flushing of the face in short intervals.
  • Stubborn redness on the face that sticks for a long time.
  • Red bumps on the face that are often swollen and lumpy, filled with pus, and make the skin feel hot and tender.
  • Visible blood vessels or the spider veins on the face.
  • Dryness, irritation in eyes, and sensitivity to light, or swollen and reddened eyelids.
  • Thickening of the skin on nose.

Prevention from rosacea

Not much is in the hands of people in case of rosacea! However, you can stick to certain precautions to minimize the risk of rosacea or mitigate its intensity. You should avoid:

  • Emotional distress
  • Stay away from extreme cold or hot temperatures
  • Avoid direct exposure to the sunlight
  • Be safe with what you do. Don’t indulge in heavy physical works
  • Limit alcohol intake
  • Limit spicy food and hot beverages
  • Avoid sauna or hot baths

Best Rosacea Treatments at MedLinks

The treatment of rosacea becomes very crucial. It requires a complete clinical examination before moving ahead with an appropriate treatment method. Different types of rosacea have different treatment approaches. Some of them are:

  • Medication: Medication is the first option. The Dermatologist might suggest a medicine to be applied directly on rosacea.
  • Sunscreen: Applying sunscreen daily can help to cover up the flare ups.
  • Emollient: Emollients help in the repairing of skin.
  • Laser treatment for rosacea: Lasers and other light treatments can be effective in rosacea treatment.
  • Antibiotics: Antibiotics may be used as pills or may be applied to the skin.

Other than the above treatments, procedures may include:

  • Laser
  • Electrocautery
  • Dermabrasion

Why should you come at MedLinks for rosacea treatment?

At MedLinks, you will find the latest technologies in use. Moreover, the experts at MedLinks are qualified from the most reputable institutions in India. They have plenty of experience in providing comprehensive treatment of rosacea. Our experts understand that different people have different skin, and they minutely examine a person before getting into treatment procedures. MedLinks has the privilege of having treated many international patients as well. So if you’re looking for rosacea treatment in Delhi, Gurgaon, you can book a quick appointment with our expert Dermatologists today.

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