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Suction Blister Grafting

Suction blister grafting is a method used in dermatology. This treatment method can treat chronic wounds. It especially focuses on the wounds which do not heal properly. In such cases, autologous skin grafting is the best option, to prevent rejection of the tissue. Thus, this method is properly suitable for conditions like leucoderma. It is performed with expertise at MedLinks to produce best results.

Key benefits of Suction Blister Grafting:

  1. It is successful in treating the wounds which are stubborn.
  2. It can effectively treat the conditions when skin loses pigmentation.
  3. Simple procedure: During the procedure, local anaesthesia is needed. It is simple enough.
  4. Easy to perform
  5. Low chance of rejection

How does the procedure work?

Suction blister grafting focuses on cleaving the skin from the underlying layers so that the corrupted layer of skin is removed. It paves the way for the fresh layer of skin to be produced which is free of the problem. During the procedure, the basal layer of the skin is cleaved from the underlying layers. It causes the separation of epidermis from the dermis. Further, the creation of blister takes place. With the help of advanced electronic devices, various sized blisters are created for better results. The blisters are then cut, emptied and the loose skin is transferred side by side to the non-healing wound. After the successful procedure, the donor site is treated properly with antiseptic drugs.

Your expectations from the treatment:

This is an effective method to treat leucoderma and other chronicle skin conditions which do not respond to the usual treatment. At MedLinks, we perform the procedure with extreme care and alacrity to produce the best results. There are no side-effects from the treatment and we assure it with our specialized post-procedure clinical examinations. You can book a quick appointment with our experts at MedLinks through our phone lines or online form.


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