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Scarring Alopecia

Scarring alopecia is not a single problem, rather a group of disorders that may destroy the hair follicle. Not only that, scarring alopecia replaces it with a scar tissue, that might cause permanent hair loss as well! Scarring alopecia is also known as cicatricial alopecia. This problem can affect anyone, at any age.

What causes scarring alopecia?

There are no certain causes that can define various kinds of scarring alopecias. However, inflammation in the upper part of the hair follicle, where the stem cells and sebaceous gland (oil gland) are located, is noticeable as the most probable cause.

Signs of scarring alopecia:

The commonly observed signs of scarring alopecia are:

  • Itching: Itching is experienced in the scalp often by the persons who are suffering from scarring alopecia.
  • Pain: Pain is also sometimes an associated sign of this problem.
  • Burning: Burning is the most common sign of scarring alopecia.

Scarring alopecia: who are at the risk?

Scarring alopecia can affect anyone, anytime and at any age. According to a data, this problem affects almost 3 percent of people who suffer from hair loss. This problem affects men, women of any age and region. However, most of the patients diagnosed with scarring alopecia are often adults in their mid-age.

Prevention of scarring alopecia:

As we know the most probable cause of scarring alopecia is inflammation, the best advice to prevent it would be preventing the causes of inflammation near your scalp. You should stay away from the sun or protect your hair from direct sun exposure. Keep your hair clean and dandruff free.

Use hair oils wisely and choose them only after confirming their contents.

Treatment of scarring alopecia at MedLinks:

The treatment options for scarring alopecia are various. However, most of the times, people think of the treatment when scarring alopecia have caused the hair loss. Then the treatment options would aim at hair transplantation or restoring. As far as the treatments of scarring alopecia are concerned, those are:

  • Scarring alopecias that are mostly linked with lymphocyte inflammation of hair follicles, like lichen planopilaris and pseudopelade, generally get a treatment with corticosteroids in topical creams. Sometimes injection into the affected skin also works. Other than these, antimalarial and retinoids are also the possible treatment options.
  • The scarring alopecias associated with inflammation of mostly neutrophils or a mixture of cells are generally treated with antibiotics and retinoids.

Why you should choose MedLinks:

At MedLinks, you will experience all yourself. We take all the carefully chosen majors from the very first step, which is the consultation, to ensure that we provide the best in class treatment for scarring alopecia. Individuals who come to us for the treatment are sure to get the expected result. We have successfully treated many patients who have been suffering from scarring alopecia and also those who have lost their hair because of this problem.

You will get the optimum result in the shortest possible time, we make it our first priority. Nevertheless, we care at the same time for the optimal effect of the treatment. To ensure the results are expected, we arrange follow-ups and post-treatment clinical examinations as well.

You can easily book an appointment with us through our website.

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