Do’s and Don’ts Before a Hair Transplant Surgery

Hair Transplant Surgery*Results may vary person to person.
By Medlinks

Hair loss takes a toll on everyone, and one of the most effective ways to deal with it is through a hair transplant surgery.

As the decision is quite big, you must opt for one of the best hair transplant clinics in your area, or look for one in big cities like Delhi or Mumbai.

Once you have decided to go for a hair restoration surgery, there are few do’s and don’ts that you must follow before the procedure for excellent results.

  • Sleep early at night before the surgery so that your body gets ample of rest.
  • Do have a light meal before the procedure, and drink lots of water. It will keep you hydrated and energetic throughout the surgery. Avoid caffeine on the day of your surgery.
  • Have a shower before coming to the clinic. Wash your hair thoroughly on the evening before and the morning of the surgery.
  • Do not apply any hair gel/oil or any other cosmetic product on your hair 2-3 days prior to the procedure.
  • Wear a buttoned T-shirt or shirt, as putting on a T-shirt after the procedure can be a cumbersome process.
  • Do not trim/shave/colour your hair right before the hair transplant procedure. It may remove the landmarks which might be helpful to the doctor.
  • Avoid smoking/drinking, or taking any supplements for two weeks prior to the surgery, as it may reduce the blood flow to the scalp.
  • Do discuss any pre-existing medical condition such as diabetes, high blood pressure, etc., with your hair restoration surgeon.
  • Avoid taking any anti-inflammatory medication for one week prior to your procedure. Consult your surgeon before taking any other medicinal drug.
  • It is recommended that you go along with a relative or a friend, who can drive you down to the clinic. Or arrange for proper transportation to and from the clinic.
  • Having bland food for 2-3 days before the surgery will prevent you from getting hyper-acidity, and will cut down any discomfort.

A good medical practitioner must discuss these do’s and don’ts with you before the hair transplant procedure. For optimum recovery time, it is best to strictly follow the pre-operative as well as post-operative instructions given by your doctor.

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